CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science

issue 33

July 2020


Welcome to issue #33 of Accelerating News!

The world has not quite gone back to what it used to be, and the consequences of the global situation can still be harshly felt in some communities, but the odd opportunity is cropping up in the world of physics and particle accelerators. One such opportunity is the increased reach of certain events and conferences, which are taking place online due to the circumstances.

An example is the international School on Precision Studies for the AVA (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) network, on which we report in this summer issue.

Issue #33 also brings two articles on the physics world: the first laser spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules, produced at CERN’s Proton Synchrotron Booster; and a summary of the European Particle Physics Strategy Update, announced last June. The rest of the issue focuses, as usual, on the LHC High-Luminosity upgrades during Long Shutdown 2, namely the TDIS unit and the novel cryostat units; and on studies for future collider machines. Other achievements include a 14.5T field-strength for an accelerator steering dipole magnet achieved at Fermilab; and a series of remote access beam measurements conducted by the University of Liverpool and the synchrotron facility Diamond Light Source.

An essay by the International Irradiation Association reflects on the importance of knowledge transfer for the development and application of ionizing radiation and brings this issue to a close.

Finally, an announcement: with this issue, we say goodbye to the current website. Accelerating News will return in the fall in a new, improved home. All past issues will be archived and readily available. For now, we wish all our readers a fantastic summer, we will see you in October. Happy reading!

Daniela Antonio, for the Accelerating News Editorial Team

Igor Syratchev (CERN)
21 Jul 2020

The efficiency frontiers for high RF power L-band Multi-Beam Klystrons

Exploring novel technologies for major savings in the energy consumption and cost of future accelerators.

Achintya Rao (CERN)
15 Jul 2020

Particle physicists update strategy for the future of the field in Europe

The CERN Council announced that it has updated the strategy that will guide the future of particle physics in Europe.

David Carbajo Perez (CERN)
24 Jul 2020

Installation of the TDIS unit for the High-Luminosity LHC

Nearly one year after the start of the assembly activities the first 3-module-device Target Dump Injection Segmented (TDIS) unit is ready to be installed.

Anaïs Schaeffer (CERN)
24 Jul 2020

HL-LHC equipment installed on both sides of the ALICE experiment

Novel cryostat units have been installed for the High-Luminosity LHC to allow insertion of room-temperature collimators in the LHC’s 1.9 K cryostats.

Fabio Avino (CERN)
15 Jul 2020

A new sputtering technique for the coating of SRF cavities with 3D complex geometries

In a recent paper, the densification of coated Nb films on copper samples at 90deg angle of incidence was explored for different techniques.

Joseph Wolfenden (University of Liverpool)
15 Jul 2020

Synchrotron radiation imaging at 200 miles

Experts from the University of Liverpool and Diamond Light Source have taken a step further and conducted a series of remote access beam measurements.

Leah Hesla (Fermilab)
15 Jul 2020

Fermilab achieves 14.5-tesla field for accelerator magnet, setting new world record

Fermilab achieved a 14.5-tesla field strength for an accelerator steering dipole magnet, surpassing their previous record of 14.1 T.

Ana Lopes (CERN)
15 Jul 2020

ISOLDE scores a first with laser spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules

The result represents an essential step towards using these molecules for fundamental physics research and beyond.

Paul Wynne (International Irradiation Association)
15 Jul 2020

The importance of knowledge transfer in the development and application of ionizing radiation

Companies provided the means by which ionizing radiation could be utilised in the development of products and services.

Theun Van Veen (University of Liverpool)
13 Jul 2020

International School on Precision Studies for the AVA Network

The latest training, a week-long School on Precision Studies, was organised to take place in Prague (Czech Republic) at the end of March 2020.


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