CERN Accelerating science

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CERN Accelerating science


ARIES: Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society

ARIES coordinates a consortium of 41 partners from 18 different European countries to ensure the strengthen particle accelerator science for the future. By promoting innovation, fostering interdisciplinary and international collaboration, laying the groundwork for the training future accelerator scientists, and enhancing current accelerator facilities whilst producing concepts and technologies for future facilities, ARIES aims to enhance European R&D for particle accelerators and further grow and integrate the accelerator community.


Paul Wynne (International Irradiation Association)
15 Jul 2020

The importance of knowledge transfer in the development and application of ionizing radiation

Companies provided the means by which ionizing radiation could be utilised in the development of products and services.

Lucio Rossi (CERN)
24 Mar 2020

ARIES consortium produces world-class HTS tapes

REBCO conductor tapes reached a world-record critical current at 20T, strengthening the possibilities for a demonstrator of high-level accelerator magnets. Lucio Rossi, leader of the HL-LHC project, explains.

Daniela Antonio (CERN)
25 Mar 2020

Building on the community’s collective experience on accelerator communication

Members from the accelerator communication community gathered at CERN for the 2nd Accelerator Communication and Outreach workshop.

Bernhard Holzer (CERN)
25 Mar 2020

Specialized School on Novel Accelerators for Young Scientists

The Spring 2019 edition of the CERN Accelerator School took place in Tecnico Lisboa and focused on High-Gradient Wakefield Acceleration.

Ebba Jakobsson
10 Dec 2019

A workshop on the energy-sustainable future for research infrastructures

On 28 and 29 November, CERN took part in the 5th Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures workshop at the Paul Scherrer Institute.

Maurizio Vretenar (CERN)
16 Jul 2019

Bringing particle accelerators on ships

The first test to use a particle accelerator to clean the exhaust gases of a ship took place in Riga in July 2019. The first results are encouraging.

Daniela Antonio (CERN)
16 Jul 2019

Budapest welcomes the 2nd ARIES Annual Meeting

ARIES Annual Meeting highlights reports from networks, transnational access, proof-of-concept projects, workshops and a special session on accelerator science applied to medicine.

Yiota Foka (CERN)
11 Jul 2019

Master Class captivates the next generation of scientists

CERN, DKFZ Heidelberg and GSI Darmstadt engage the next generation of scientists through a hands-on experience on particle therapy.


Accelerator-related stories
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Compact Linear Collider
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Accelerator Communication and Outreach
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ARIES: Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society
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EUPRAXIA: European Plasma Research Accelerator with Excellence in Applications
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FCC : Future Circular Collider study and European Circular Collider (EuroCirCol) project
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HL LHC: High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider
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EASITRAIN: European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training
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Knowledge Technology Transfer
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