Compact Linear Collider
The efficiency frontiers for high RF power L-band Multi-Beam Klystrons
Exploring novel technologies for major savings in the energy consumption and cost of future accelerators.
Updates to the CLIC performance studies
The CLIC study collaboration proposes new ways of increasing the luminosity performance at 380 GeV at modest additional cost and power consumption. These updates are summarized in a recent CLIC note.
Improving access to FEL facilities through the CompactLight project
One of technologies used by CompactLight is the high-gradient normal conductive RF acceleration in the X-band, developed at CERN within the context of the CLIC study.
Highlights from CLIC Week 2019
The physics opportunities brought by of a high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider
First experimental results from the CLEAR facility at CERN
Flexibility and versatility, together with a dynamic and experienced team of researchers, are key ingredients for the growing success of the new CLEAR facility, exploring novel accelerator concepts at CERN.
CLIC technology lights the way to compact accelerators
What if accelerators could be more compact and more cost-effective?