Knowledge Technology Transfer
From laser alignment to laser communication
How a technology developed at CERN for ultra-precise measurement purposes may help Aircision connect our future telecommunications.
Power converters specially designed for CERN can now be used by the wider accelerator community
CERN has developed new software layers to allow the wider particle accelerator community to use the CERN-specific power converters controls.
Optimization of medical accelerators through international collaboration
EU-funded OMA project has successfully developed technologies and techniques that help improve proton and ion beam cancer therapy.
Austrian synchrotron debuts carbon-ion cancer treatment
MedAustron, an advanced hadron-therapy centre in Austria, becomes one of six centres worldwide to treat tumours with carbon ions.
Using CERN magnet technology in innovative cancer treatment
The enormous size of today’s gantries poses constraints on future hadron-therapy facilities.
ATS-KT Innovation Days
The Accelerator and Technology sector (ATS) and the Knowledge Transfer (KT) group jointly hosted the first ATS-KT Innovation Day.
A reverse hackathon with CERN
What if we selected a few CERN Technologies and put them in the hands of professionals that help create highly successful start-ups?
More bang from your beam: reimagining X-ray conversion
A solution live from the Medtech:Hack @ CERN